by Kartoshka
by Kartoshka
The Apila Watercolour is stunning, it's by Be Happy Now, I think that's my favourite, so delicate.
I'm almost done with the wedding pictures, they're all in the Photobox gallery and I'm just checking the proprotions so that they fit into the print sizes I've chosen to offer. You'd think that would have been obvious, but no, I happily cropped away at some of the images and of course they don't fit with the aspect ratios I've chosen, but it's all sorted now. There's 141 in total and I need to order the set of prints for the happy couple and have a couple of arty-farty designs to upload too. I'll be glad when it's over to be honest - I really hope that I make some money from the prints as it's all taken much longer than I had anticipated.
That is a beautiful serene. Your photo is perfect for it.