Tuesday 11 March 2008

Etsy hates me

The pathetic picture you see above is how my Etsy shop looks to me at the moment.

I don't know if that's how it looks to the rest of the world or if it's just me.

I can't see any of my pictures in my Etsy shop or for that matter anywhere on Etsy which does not make me happy. I can see them from my PC at work but from my lovely iMac at home nothing. I also can't see my Etsy Mini here on my blog or anyone else's pictures from Etsy wherever they are.

I have my 'photo day' tomorrow which is my Wednesday day off which isn't going to be too handy if I can't see what I'm doing!

I've emailed the folks at the HQ and I got a very fast reply which was very impressive but they totally misunderstood my problem and thought that I was confused about uploading pictures which I cracked months ago! Perhaps they couldn't see the screenshot which I attached.

The saga continues.

On a nicer note, the views of my Blurb book have rocketed today. This morning the views for this week were a paltry six and now they are a whopping 260! The only reason I can think is from my PlugBoard plugging which I did this afternoon. Still only one sale though.


  1. mine does this sometimes too, tho' not all items!

  2. Yikes! Kinda glad that I didn't get a mac now! Off to check out your blurb book...:)


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