Friday 30 January 2009

Photobox again

After my whinging about Photobox yesterday there have been some developments, first the sales info is up and I've sold quite a few cards, but made a pittance, and I'm wondering if it's really worth all the work. So that's something, but my cards all seem to not belong to me any more, which is a bit of a worry, unless it means that it's being sorted out. Then I got an @reply on Twitter referencing my whinging - apparently someone had found my blog and then my Twitter. The customer services people are going to call me and hopefully I can find out where my cards are and be able to delete the accounts which don't have any content and ask about changing the categories once they've been set up. I'm sure I'm a nightmare customer.....perhaps I should go into website beta testing!

1 comment:

  1. good for you! it pays to set out your stall, doesn't it?!


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